Many of the tips and tricks you want to perform require
editing the Windows Registry. In this tip or trick, I will show you the correct
way to perform a backup of your Windows Registry so that you can safely restore
your systems registry files in the event something goes wrong.Here is the trick
1. Go to
Start>> Run. Type in: regedit [Enter] or click OK.
2. Once in the
Registry Editor, choose File from the toolbar.
3. Select Export
4. In the resulting
Export Registry File window (click image below), locate the "Save
in:" selection menu. Choose a location for this file that will be easily
found if needed.
5. Name the file
whatever you would like (I use the days date) in the "File name:"
text box.
6. At the bottom of
the window you will see the Export
Range category. Tick the
"All" selection.
7. Click the Save
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