Saturday, 11 August 2012

Windows Xp Key Board Shortcuts

Windows Key / Key Combo                                 Command 

   Or Ctrl+Esc                                      :-Open the Start Menu

       B                                                          :-Select first Program in system Tray

       D                                                           :-Toggle minimize/show all windows

        F                                                           :-Opens the find dialog box

        Ctrl + F                                              :-Open search for network computer dialog box

        F1                                                         :-Open windows help

        L                                                           :-Lock Computer

        M                                                          :-Minimize all Windows

        Pause/Break                                     :-Opens System Properties

        R                                                           :-Opens the Run dialog box

        Shift + M                                            :-Restore minimize windows

        Tab                                                       :-Cycle through programs in the taskbar
        Shift + Tab                                        :-Cycle through program in the taskbar in reverse   

        U                                                           :-Open Utility Mgr                                       

 F1                              :-Invokes Help

 F2                              :-Rename selected item

 F3                              :-Search for a file or folder

F4                              :-Expand address Bar in windows Explore (insert Cell in Excel;    copy and Paste all text in Word)
 F5                             :-Refresh windows Explorer

 F6                              :-with windows minimized, move through windows elements

Tab                            : - with windows minimized, move through windows elements

 Shift + Tab               : - with windows minimized, move through windows elements

Tab, Shift + Tab       :-cycle through from elements in web browser; move right (or left)
                                      To next cell in excel

Shift + F10                 :- Opens right-click menu

Num key -                  :-collapse selected folder in windows explorer

Num Key +               :- expand selected folder one level in windows explorer

Num Key *                 :- expand selected folder all level in windows explorer

Alt or F10                   :-Moves focus to program menu bar

Up/Down arrow        : - Move through menu items once focus set          

Left/Right arrow       : - Move across menu items once focus set

Alt + Left/
Right arrow               : - Back/forward browser page

Alt + (Underlined
Character)                 :- Select Menu item

Alt + Enter                 : - opens properties of selected icon; deletes cell/shift cell up
                                         In excel

Alt + Esc                     : - cycles through programs in lunch order

Alt + F4                                  :-within windows opens shut-down dialog; in a program doses program

Alt + Prt scr/SysRd               :-Captures screenshot of active program to Clipboard

Alt + Space                             :-Opens icon menu (Upper-Left) in program Title bar

Alt + Space + C                     :-Closes active program

Alt + Shift + Tab                   :-cycle through in reverse order

Alt + Tab                                :-cycle through / Switch open programs

Shift + Delete                         :-Delete Instead of sending to the recycle bin

Shift + Insert                          :-CD disables Auto run

Insert                                      :-Toggle insert to add or to overwrite

Delete                                      :-Send file to recycle bin

Esc                                          :-Cancels dialog box / closes expanded menu

Ctrl + Alt +Del                       :-windows security dialog box or opens windows task   manager (depends on security settings)

Ctrl + Drag Icon /File           :-Creates a Copy

Ctrl + Shift +
Drag Icon /File                       :-Creates a shortcut

Ctrl + Shift + Esc                  :-open windows task manager

Ctrl + A                                  :-Select All

Ctrl + B                                  :-Bold selected text / set to bold

Ctrl + C                                  :-Copy to the clipboard

Ctrl + D                                  :-unselected all

Ctrl + I                                   :-Italicize selected text / set to italic

Ctrl + O                                  :-Opens open dialog box      

Ctrl + U                                  :-Underline selected text / set to underline

Ctrl + V                                  :-Paste from the clipboard                           

Ctrl + X                                  :-Cut to the clipboard

Ctrl + Y                                  :-Redo

Ctrl + Z                                  :-Undo
Ctrl + (left/right
Arrow)                                   :-move cursor to beginning/end of word

Ctrl + (up/down
Arrow)                                   :-move cursor to beginning/end of paragraph

Ctrl + Shift +
(left/right arrow)                   :-from cursor, select word

Shift + Arrow key                 :-from cursor, select text

Ctrl + End                              :-Go to the end of a document or last cell

End                                         :-Go to the end of a line

Ctrl + Home                           :-Go to the beginning of a document

Home                                      :-Go to the beginning of a line (in word, Notepad, etc.) /  
                                                First cell in arrow

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