Saturday, 11 August 2012


You can control the way your Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 system and MS Internet Explorer [unfortunately integrated into the OS :(] restricts/allows access to certain areas or features (especially useful on multiuser machines) without having to mess with PolEdit (Policy Editor = %windir%\Poledit.exe), the default Windows 9x/ME administrative control tool, which needs to be installed separately from your Win9x Setup CD.
And the bad news is Microsoft removed PolEdit from Windows ME anyway. ;)
See "The Registry" [Intro chapter], also in REGISTRY.TXT [part of W95-11D.EXE], for more info.
Windows 2000/XP/2003 users have a greater variety of administrative tools at their disposal, designed for tweaking mostly system + security policies, all part of the free Microsoft Resource Kit (RK) Tools.

FYI: Some of these security issues are detailed @ Microsoft:
All you have to do is modify the Registry Values listed below, either manually using the Registry Editor (%windir%\Regedit.exe), or save them as text .REG files (in Notepad) for future use, eventually on more than one computer. I named mine RESTRICT.REG (example).
Without further ado, start Regedit and go to:

Look in the left hand pane for these subkeys: Explorer, Network, Ratings, System, ActiveDesktop + WinOldApp. If they are not present, create them: right-click  New  Key  Name it to one of the values listed above.
Now you need to create (or modify if already there) the following DWORD [REG_DWORD] values listed further below under the subkeys above. To create a new DWORD value: right-click  New  DWORD  name it to one of the values listed further below.
To modify one of these DWORD values: right-click on the one you want  select Modify  check the Decimal box  give it a value of 1 (to disable access to a certain system feature/area), or a value of 0 (to enable access to a certain system feature/area).
These are the valid DWORD values (if not specified otherwise) you can change under the following subkeys:

  1. Explorer subkey:
    • ClearRecentDocsOnExit = enable/disable Clear of Recent Documents upon exit
    • DisableRegistryTools = enable/disable Registry Editing tools
      WARNING: IF you disable the Registry Editor interface (GUI) mode, you will NOT be able to modify ANY Registry settings anymore, and the ONLY way to (re)enable/disable system restrictions is to run/merge/register/install a .REG/.INF/.VBS/.HTA file from the DOS console/box command line or by running a BATch file (.BAT in Win95/98/ME or .CMD in WinNT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7)!
    • ForceClassicControlPanel = enable/disable Classic Control Panel (WinXP/2003 ONLY)
    • ForceStartMenuLogOff = enable/disable forced Start Menu Logoff item
    • NoAddPrinter = enable/disable addition of new printers
    • NoCDBurning = enable/disable built-in CD burning feature (WinXP ONLY)
    • NoClose = enable/disable computer Shutdown
    • NoDeletePrinter = enable/disable existent printers deletion
    • NoDesktop = enable/disable ALL Desktop items and Desktop right-click menu
    • NoDesktopCleanupWizard = enable/disable Cleanup Wizard (WinXP/2003 ONLY)
    • NoDevMgrUpdate = enable/disable Windows 98/ME Web Update Manager
    • NoDrives [hex] = enable/disable ANY Drives in My Computer/Explorer/IE
      CAUTION: See "HIDE YOUR DRIVES!" for details!
    • NoFileAssociate = enable/disable default File Associations (WinXP/2003 ONLY)
    • NoFind = enable/disable Find command
    • NoInternetIcon = enable/disable Internet Icon on Desktop
    • NoLogoff = enable/disable computer Logoff (Win95/98 ONLY)
    • NoLowDiskSpaceChecks = enable/disable low disk space warnings (Win2000/XP ONLY)
    • NoNetHood = enable/disable Network Neighborhood
    • NoRecentDocsHistory = enable/disable Recent Documents in Start Menu (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
    • NoRun = enable/disable Run command
    • NoSaveSettings = enable/disable Save Settings upon exit
    • NoSetFolders = enable/disable Folders in Start Menu  Settings
    • NoSetTaskbar = enable/disable Taskbar in Start Menu  Settings
    • NoSMMyDocs = enable/disable My Documents folder in Start Menu (Win98/ME ONLY)
    • NoSMMyPictures = enable/disable My Pictures folder in Start Menu (Win98/ME ONLY)
      "NoSMMyDocs" + "NoSMMyPictures" courtesy of David.
    • NoStrCmpLogical = enable/disable listing/ordering of files/folders names alphabetically (WinXP/2003/Vista/2008 ONLY)
    • NoThemesTab = enable/disable Themes Display tab (WinME/2000/XP ONLY)
    • NoWindowsUpdate = enable/disable Windows 98/2000/ME/XP Web Update
    • StartMenuLogoff = enable/disable Start Menu Logoff item (WinME/2000/XP ONLY)
  1. System subkey:
    • DisableStatusMessages = enable/disable system Status Messages at logon/logoff (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • DisableTaskMgr = enable/disable Task Manager (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • DontDisplayLastUserName = enable/disable Last User Name display at logon (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • EnableLUA = enable/disable User Account Control (UAC) (WinVista/2008/7 ONLY)
      More info:
    • LegalNoticeCaption = enable/disable Legal Notice Caption display before logon (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • LegalNoticeText = enable/disable Legal Notice Text display before logon (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • NoAdminPage = enable/disable Remote Administration tab
    • NoConfigPage = enable/disable Hardware Profiles tab
    • NoControlPanel [hex] = enable/disable Control Panel
    • NoDevMgrPage = enable/disable Device Manager tab
    • NoDispAppearancePage = enable/disable Appearance Display tab
    • NoDispBackgroundPage = enable/disable Background Display tab
    • NoDispCPL = enable/disable Display Properties applet
    • NoDispScrSavPage = enable/disable Screen Saver Display tab
    • NoDispSettingsPage = enable/disable Settings Display tab
    • NoFileSysPage = enable/disable File System button
    • NoInternetOpenWith = enable/disable online File Association Web Service (WinXP/2003 ONLY)
    • NoPwdPage = enable/disable Password Change tab
    • NoProfilePage = enable/disable User Profiles tab
    • NoSecCPL = enable/disable Password applet
    • NoVirtMemPage = enable/disable Virtual Memory button
    • ShutDownWithoutLogon = enable/disable Shutdown button at logon/logoff (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • UndockWithoutLogon = enable/disable Undock Workstation button at logon/logoff (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
    • VerboseStatus = enable/disable detailed system Status Messages at logon/logoff (Win2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
  1. Network subkey:
    • DisablePwdCaching = enable/disable Password Caching
    • HideSharePwds [hex] = enable/disable Shared Passwords
    • NoEntireNetwork = enable/disable Entire Network
    • NoNetSetup = enable/disable Network applet
    • NoNetSetupIDPage = enable/disable Network Identification tab
    • NoNetSetupSecurityPage = enable/disable Network Access tab
    • NoFileSharing = enable/disable Network File Sharing button
    • MinPwdLen = set Minimum Password Length (integer number: 0 - 99)
    • NoPrintSharing = enable/disable Network Print Sharing button
    • NoWorkgroupContents = enable/disable Network Workgroup
  1. ActiveDesktop subkey (Win98/ME/2000/XP/2003 + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY):
    • NoAddingComponents = enable/disable adding components to Active Desktop
    • NoChangingWallpaper = enable/disable changing of Active Desktop wallpaper
    • NoCloseDragDropBands = enable/disable closing of shell toolbars
    • NoClosingComponents = enable/disable closing of Active Desktop components
    • NoComponents = enable/disable ALL Desktop components
    • NoDeletingComponents = enable/disable deleting of Active Desktop components
    • NoEditingComponents = enable/disable editing of Active Desktop components
    • NoHTMLWallPaper = enable/disable Desktop HTML wallpaper display
    • NoMovingBands = enable/disable moving of shell toolbars
  1. WinOldApp subkey (Win95/98/ME ONLY):
    • Disabled = enable/disable MS-DOS Prompt
    • NoRealMode = enable/disable Real MS-DOS Mode reboot option (Win95/98 ONLY)
Similar settings for Explorer, Network, System and ActiveDesktop can be also found under these Registry keys:
If there is only one user, the ".Default" key above contains all global system settings. If more than one user, each user has its own subkey here, named after the User Name(s) found in Control Panel  Users, and the Registry settings located under a user's subkey are valid only for that specific user.
If you (double-)click on any of these keys, you'll see 3 subkeys in the left hand pane: Explorer, Network and System.
Create (or modify if already present) the following Binary (hex) [REG_BINARY] values listed below under the subkeys above. To create a new Binary value: right-click  New  Binary  Name it to one of the values listed below.
To modify one of these Binary [hex] values: (double-)click on the one you want  give it a value of 01 00 00 00 (to disable access to a certain system feature/area), or a value of 00 00 00 00 (to enable access to a certain system feature/area). Don't type the spaces, they will be inserted automatically.

Explorer subkey valid DWORD values (if not specified otherwise) that can be changed (some are valid ONLY for Win98/ME and/or MS IE 4/5/6):
  • CDRAutoRun [hex] = enable/disable CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W) drive(s) AutoRun command
    NOTE: This setting needs specific CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W) software installed, like Roxio (Adaptec) Easy CD Creator.
  • ChannelNotify = enable/disable Channel Notification (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • ClassicShell [hex] = enable/disable Active Desktop shell interface (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • ClearRecentDocsOnExit = clear/don't clear Recent Docs upon exit
  • EditLevel = set security editing level. Integer number: 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4: 0 = lowest security level (full editing allowed)... 4 = highest security level (no editing allowed)
    CAUTION: You may lock yourself out of your own computer if EditLevel = 4 !
  • EnforceShellExtensionSecurity = self explanatory :)
  • ForceCopyACLWithFile = enable/disable file copy with NTFS permissions (WinNT4/2000/XP + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • IgnoreLinkInfo = enable/disable Link info display
  • LinkResolve = enable/disable Link display
  • MyDocsOnNet = enable/disable My Documents on Internet
  • NoActiveDesktop = enable/disable Active Desktop
  • NoActiveDesktopChanges = enable/disable Active Desktop changes
  • NoAddPrinter = enable/disable addition of new printers
  • NoChangeStartMenu = enable/disable Start Menu changes
  • NoCommonGroups = enable/disable Start Menu Common Program Groups (WinNT4/2000/XP + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • NoClose = enable/disable closing IE GUI
  • NoCustomizeWebView = enable/disable Web View customization
  • NoDeletePrinter = enable/disable existent printers deletion
  • NoDeskTop = enable/disable ALL Desktop items and Desktop right-click menu
  • NoDevMgrUpdate = enable/disable Windows Web Update Manager (Win98/ME/2000/XP ONLY)
  • NoDrives [hex] = enable/disable ALL Drives in My Computer/Explorer/IE
    CAUTION: See "HIDE YOUR DRIVES!" for details!
  • NoDriveTypeAutoRun [hex] = enable/disable selected Drives or Drive types AutoRun/AutoPlay
    NOTE: See "HIDE YOUR DRIVES!" for details.
  • NoEditMenu = enable/disable Start Menu editing
  • NoFavoritesMenu = enable/disable Favorites folder display
  • NoFileMenu = enable/disable Explorer/IE File Menu
  • NoFileUrl = enable/disable local URL files access
  • NoFind = enable/disable Find command
  • NoFolderOptions = show/don't show Folder Options Menu in Explorer
  • NoForgetSoftwareUpdate = enable/disable Windows Software Updates (Win98/ME/2000/XP/2003 ONLY)
  • NoHelp = show/don't show Help Menu in Start Menu (Win98/ME/2000 ONLY)
  • NoInternetIcon = show/don't show Internet icon on Desktop
  • NoLogOff = show/don't show Logoff Menu in Start Menu (Win95/98 ONLY)
  • NoMSAppLogo = show/don't show Microsoft Logo (Win98/ME/2000/XP ONLY)
  • NoNetConnectDisconnect = enable/disable DUN Connect/Disconnect
  • NoNetHood = enable/disable Network Neighborhood
  • NoRecentDocsHistory = enable/disable Recent Documents in Start Menu (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • NoRecentDocsMenu = show/don't show Recent Documents Menu in Start Menu  Settings
  • NoResolveSearch = enable/disable Internet Search (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • NoResolveTrack = enable/disable Internet Address Tracking (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • NoRun = enable/disable Run command
  • NoSaveSettings [hex] = enable/disable Save Settings upon exit
  • NoSetActiveDesktop = enable/disable Active Desktop settings
  • NoSetFolders = enable/disable Folder settings
  • NoSetTaskbar = enable/disable Taskbar settings
  • NoSettingsWizards = enable/disable Settings Wizards (Win98/ME + IE4/IE5/IE6 ONLY)
  • NoSMHelp = show/don't show Help Menu in Start Menu (WinXP/2003 ONLY)
  • NoStartBanner [hex] = enable/disable Logo banner upon IE start
  • NoStartMenuSubFolders = show/don't show subfolders on Start Menu
  • NoTrayContextMenu = show/don't show Context Menu for Tray items
  • NoViewContextMenu = show/don't show Context Menu
  • NoWebMenu = show/don't show Web Menu (Win98/IE 4.0x and newer ONLY)
  • NoWindowsUpdate = enable/disable Windows Web Update (Win98/ME/2000/XP ONLY)
  • NoWinKeys = enable/disable Windows (Win + Menu) logo keys on 104+ keyboards
    See "WINKEY SHORTCUTS" for details.
  • RestrictRun = enable/disable Run Menu
Most of the "CURRENT_USER" settings, especially the ones that affect the entire system, change automatically when you modify the similar values under the "LOCAL_MACHINE" Registry key (see above). Most of these values affect ONLY Internet Explorer versions 3, 4, 5 and 6, and CAN be changed separately in the "CURRENT_USER" key, without influencing the overall system operation.
ANY changes to these settings under ANY of these Registry keys require a Windows restart to take effect.

The MS Internet Explorer 4.0x/5.xx/6.xx restrictions are found under these Registry keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
if there is only one user. If more than one user, the ".Default" key above is replaced with each "UserName" key. All Values are in DWORD format. Type in the Decimal box for the desired Value: 1 to disable or 0 to enable the respective function/key combo:
  • NoBrowserContextMenu = enable/disable HTML context menu
  • NoBrowserClose = enable/disable Close/Exit in File Menu and Alt+F4
  • NoBrowserSaveAs = enable/disable Save and Save As in File menu
  • NoBrowserOptions = enable/disable Internet Options/Properties in View menu
  • NoFavorites = enable/disable Favorites in File Menu and Alt+A
  • NoFileOpen = enable/disable Open in File menu, Ctrl+O and Ctrl+L
  • NoFileNew = enable/disable New in File Menu and Ctrl+N
  • NoFileUrl = enable/disable local URL files access
  • NoFindFiles = enable/disable Find Menu and F3
  • NoSelectDownloadDir = enable/disable Save As dialog box upon file download
  • NoTheaterMode = enable/disable Full Screen (kiosk mode) and F11
The Internet Properties restrictions for MS Internet Explorer 4.0x/5.xx/6.xx (also found as a Control Panel applet) are located under this Registry key:
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel
if there is only one user. If more than one user, the ".Default" key above is replaced with each "UserName" key. All Values are in DWORD format. Type in the Decimal box for the desired Value: 1 to disable or 0 to enable the respective tab/setting/button.
Changing ANY of these settings does NOT require restarting Windows:

  • Accessibility = enable/disable Accessibility settings
  • Advanced = enable/disable Advanced settings
  • AdvancedTab = enable/disable Advanced tab
  • Autoconfig = enable/disable Autoconfig settings
  • Cache = enable/disable Cache settings
  • CalendarContact = enable/disable Contact settings
  • Check_If_Default = enable/disable Check if IE default browser setting
  • Connection Settings = pretty obvious :)
  • Certificates = enable/disable Certificates settings
  • CertifPers = enable/disable Personal Certificates settings
  • CertifSite = enable/disable Certificates Publishers settings
  • Colors = enable/disable Colors settings
  • Connection Wizard = self explanatory :)
  • ConnectionsTab = enable/disable Connections tab
  • Connwiz Admin Lock = enable/disable Connection Wizard administrative lockout
  • ContentTab = enable/disable Content tab
  • Fonts = enable/disable Fonts settings
  • FormSuggest = enable/disable Forms suggest setting
  • FormSuggest Passwords = enable/disable Passwords suggest setting
  • GeneralTab = enable/disable General tab
  • History = enable/disable History settings
  • HomePage = enable/disable Home Page settings
  • Languages = enable/disable Languages settings
  • Links = enable/disable Links settings
  • Messaging = enable/disable MS Messaging settings
  • Profiles = enable/disable Profiles settings
  • ProgramsTab = enable/disable Programs tab
  • Proxy = enable/disable Proxy settings
  • Ratings = enable/disable Ratings settings
  • ResetWebSettings = enable/disable Reset Web settings
  • SecAddSites = enable/disable Security Add sites settings
  • SecChangeSettings = enable/disable Security changes
  • SecurityTab = enable/disable Security tab
  • Settings = enable/disable Settings boxes
  • Wallet = enable/disable MS Wallet settings (MS IE 5.xx and newer ONLY)
The policy restrictions for MS Net Meeting/Conferencing reside under this Registry key:
if there is only one user. If more than one user, the ".Default" key above is replaced with each "UserName" key. All Values are in DWORD format. Type in the Decimal box for the desired Value:1 to disable or 0 to enable the respective restriction.
Changing ANY of these settings does NOT require restarting Windows:

  • CallSecurity = enable/disable call security
  • IntranetWebDirURL = enable/disable intranet web directory
  • MaximumBandwidth = enable/disable max bandwidth
  • NoAddingDirectoryServers = enable/disable adding directory servers
  • NoAdvancedCalling = enable/disable advanced calling
  • NoAllowControl = enable/disable control
  • NoAppSharing = enable/disable app sharing
  • NoAudio = enable/disable audio
  • NoAudioPage = enable/disable audio control
  • NoChangeDirectSound = enable/disable changing DirectSound
  • NoChat = obvious :)
  • NoDirectoryServices = enable/disable directory services
  • NoFullDuplex = enable/disable full duplex
  • NoGeneralPage = enable/disable general control
  • NoNewWhiteBoard = enable/disable new white board
  • NoOldWhiteBoard = enable/disable old white board
  • NoReceivingVideo = enable/disable receive video
  • NoSecurityPage = enable/disable security control
  • NoSendingFiles = enable/disable send files
  • NoSendingVideo = enable/disable send video
  • NoSharing = enable/disable sharing
  • NoSharingDesktop = enable/disable sharing Desktop
  • NoSharingDosWindows = enable/disable sharing DOS + Windows
  • NoSharingExplorer = enable/disable sharing Explorer
  • NoTrueColorSharing = enable/disable sharing true color video
  • NoVideoPage = enable/disable video control
  • NoWebDirectory = enable/disable web directory
  • Use AutoConfig = enable/disable auto config
MS IE 4.0x/5.xx/6.xx Web Check tool (%windir%\System\Loadwc.exe launched by %windir%\System\Webcheck.dll) Registry Values are stored under:
if only one user. If more than one user, the ".Default" key is replaced by each "UserName" key. Both Values are DWORDs. Decimal box values: 1(disables) and 0 (enables) each function.
Changes to these settings take effect without restarting Windows:

  • NoChannelLogging = enable/disable channels logging
  • NoScheduledUpdates = enable/disable scheduled updates

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